Constitution & By Laws

Straight Arrow Enduro Riders



May 10, 1983

Revised:  April 22, 2004



The name of the club shall be: STRAIGHT ARROW ENDURO RIDERS.


Active members shall be people interested in the sport of off road motorcycle riding.


The club officers shall be a President, Secretary, Treasurer, two (2) Referees, an MX Chairperson, an Off-road/Enduro Chairperson and a club Representative to District 23.   These officers shall constitute the Executive Board.


The duties of the President shall be:

  • To preside at all meetings of the club.
  • To have general supervision of the affairs of the club.
  • To appoint any person or committee not otherwise ordered by the club.
  • To personally represent the club on proper occasions and business contracts.
  • To assist all other officers of the club in their records, correspondence and other duties.
  • To vote only when one vote is necessary to break a tie.


The duties of the secretary shall be:

  • To keep a record of the meetings of the club in the minute book  provided for that purpose.
  • To send out notices of regular or special meetings.
  • To handle all club correspondence.
  • To keep and maintain all legal documents of the club.
  • To perform other such duties as generally fall to that office.


The duties of the treasurer shall be:

  • To collect dues from all the members.
  • To collect all other money due to the club.
  • To make all payments from club funds as so ordered by the club.
  • To perform other duties as generally fall to that office.


The duties of the two (2) referees shall be:

  • To have general supervision over all sanctioned competition events promoted by the club.
  • To report event results to the American Motorcyclist Association and District 23, as required by these sanctioning bodies.
  • To carry out other duties as outlined in the competition rule book.


The duties of the MX Chairperson and the Off-road/Enduro Chairperson shall be:

MX Chairperson: 

  • To oversee all MX Competition Events promoted by the Club.

Enduro/Off-road Chairperson:

  • To oversee all Enduro, Hare Scrambles and Trail ride Events promoted by the Club.


The duties of the Amateur Riders Motorcycle Association (ARMCA) District Representative shall be:

  • To represent the club at ARMCA meetings.
  • To submit a written and verbal report of district meetings to the club.


The duties of the Executive Board shall be:

  • To act for the club in all matters ordered by the club.
  • To properly investigate and present to the club all business or important activity situations.
  • To have general control over all club activities and affairs.
  • Four members shall comprise a quorum of the Executive Board.


All elective offices shall be filled at an annual election, by secret ballot, to he held in the month of November each year.   Nominations for office shall take place in the month of October, to be voted on at a meeting in November.   All officers shall hold this office for one year, or until their successors are elected and qualified with the exception of the Treasurer.   The Treasurer will be for the term of two (2) years.


Regular meetings of the club shall be scheduled at approximate one month intervals.


12 members in good standing shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of club business.


This constitution may be amended or added to by submitting sufficient copies of the proposed amendment to the secretary at a regular meeting, said copies to be distributed to the general membership.   It shall then be voted upon at that meeting, unless at least one member requests that said vote be deferred to the next regular meeting.   A two‑thirds (2/3) vote of all active members in good standing shall be required to pass an amendment.


Straight Arrow Enduro Riders


May 10, 1983

Revised: April 22, 2004


Number   1

Roberts Rules of Order shall govern the parliamentary proceedings of the club, unless otherwise provided in these by‑laws.

The order of business shall be:

  1. Roll call.
  2. Reading of the minutes of the previous meeting.
  3. Treasurers report.
  4. Reports of officers and committees.
  5. Unfinished business.
  6. New business.

Number   2


Number   3

The dues for each current year shall be paid not later than the first of January.   Any club member more than two (2) months behind in his dues shall be considered not in good standing, and shall not be entitled to vote at club meetings.

Number   4

Checks may be signed either by the president or treasurer.

Number   5

New members will be voted in at the beginning of the third consecutive meeting, or if it felt that the prospective Club Member has worked a significant amount of time on club events.    

A new member will be elected by a simple majority.   The new member will then be on probation for a period of one year, and will not be a member in good standing during this period.   The new member will have all rights of a member in good standing, except that while on probation the new member is not eligible to hold office, does not have Grantsburg MX Facility privileges and does not have a vested interest in club assets.

At the end of one year, another vote will be taken to remove probation, and make him/her a member in good standing, with eligibility for elective office, use of the Grantsburg MX Facility and with a full vested interest in club assets.   A simple majority vote is needed for this.

Number   6

Only active members in good standing shall be eligible to hold office in the club, and have a vested interest in club assets.

Number   7

All active members of the club shall be members of the ARMCA.

Number    8

These by‑laws may be amended or added to by submitting sufficient copies of the proposed amendment to the secretary at a regular meeting, said copies to be distributed to the general membership.   It shall then be voted upon at that meeting, unless at least one member requests that said vote be deferred to the next regular meeting.   A two‑thirds (2/3) vote of all active members in good standing shall be required to pass an amendment.

Number   9

Amendments to the adopted constitution and by-laws may be added provided that such additions in no way contradict the constitution and by‑laws of the parent body, the AMA.

Number   10

In the event of dissolution of the STRAIGHT ARROW ENDURO RIDERS, all assets of the club shall be distributed in a manner as seen fit by the vested members at the time of dissolution.