Jamie, Andy Forsberg, Mike Millstead, some kids and I reset the Little Net River bridge. We also filled in the gaps of the boardwalk just west of it to keep the grass from growing through and hiding the edges. We also went through all of the trails that remained and finished clearing the winter’s downed trees everywhere east of 469-374. I got a chance to try out the chainsaw mount on my WR250F. It’s works much better on this bike than the TTR250, I suppose due to the stiffer, upside-down forks.
We gotta do something about that Little Net bridge. It gets kicked off of its’ moorings just about every spring. One year we had to reset it twice. I’m putting together a plan to lift it up and put it on two “supports”, then add a ramp on each end. I also want to come up with a much better anchoring plan. The plan depends on straightening the approach on the west end, which will eliminate the ruts there (and may move them to the new location). It’s going on my “to do” list.