This year we really had a long, cold, very wet Spring. It is Memorial Day today and the Trails remain Closed. Several of us were up yesterday preparing the trails for the Spring opening. In spite of the “Closed” posting on the DNR website, there were HUNDREDS of riders there, split about evenly between ATVs and Dirtbikes.
Yesterday was our second trip up there. There were a couple of bridges that got re-arranged by the spring flood, including our largest, the one over the State Line Creek. 4 of us spent 3 hours jacking the thing up, digging under it and generally getting thing lined back up. Unfortunately, the concrete beam that was supporting the east end of the bridge actually slid down and into the Creek. So that end of the Bridge will remain low. Looks like it it now even more susceptible to being washed out. We’re going to have to come up with a long term fix for this that most certainly involves lifting the bridge up and re-supporting it.
The bridge over the Little Net River that we raised up on pedestals last 4th of July stayed in place! This bridge get shifted three times last Spring by flood events. The fix worked!! It just goes to show that we learn something new every year.
We’ve cleared most of the trails of winters’ deadfall. There is still about 20% left to cover. We’ll be hitting it again soon! There’s lots to be done.