July 15, 2015
An earlier ride through the north part of the Iron Pipe Trail practically took my shoulder out. First, there was a low spot between two ridges where we had previously put some wire decks on either side of an existing […]
Get it straight!
An earlier ride through the north part of the Iron Pipe Trail practically took my shoulder out. First, there was a low spot between two ridges where we had previously put some wire decks on either side of an existing […]
Today’s the day to lay down the ~90ft boardwalk. I finished building 6 more boardwalks during the week. Canvassed for volunteers to help with the installation and scored only one club member, Roy Fleming. It was going to be a […]
Started building boardwalks for the ~90ft project last week at home and got 6 done. I can’t haul eleven and my ATV all at once in my rig, so I was planning on two trips. My wife agreed to help […]
Reports from the Section Leader of the Corduroy segment pointed to some real problems with a couple of the soft spot crossings. It turned out that beavers built a dam somewhere out there on Westholm Creek, which backed up water […]
Plenty of time and effort lead up to today’s Bridge raising project. The Bridge, which spans the State Line Creek on the Bearhunter Trail, had settled down onto its lowered/washed out concrete supports, a result of last year’s Spring flood. […]