The DNR reported to me this morning that Conservation Officers AND
hunters have reported dirtbikers riding on the trails that are closed
all year except for the Enduro. These are clearly marked with
“Closed” signs at all access points and so, anyone who uses them must
know that they are taking advantage of the situation and putting our
efforts at risk.
I hate to sound preachy, but it must be obvious that the DNR allows
this activity as a privilege, and they could easily decide that this
should no longer be allowed. We would then lose some of the trails
that may not be sustainable all year round and helps to test Enduro
riders on more technical and fresh singletrack stuff. It also would
put the brakes on the possibility of putting in any additional trail
of this kind.
If you or anyone you know is using these trails, or if you happen to
come across someone who is doing so while you are out riding in the
Nemadji, PLEASE do what you can to put a stop to it.
Trail Meister